Hubert Artemas Warner was born in Sandon and moved to Springfield as a young boy. He married in London in 1908 and had a son and worked for a Chelmsford jewellers for eleven years before joining up. He died from shrapnel wounds near Cambrai in October 1918 in the final three weeks of the war. His home was in Embankment Terrace.
Sergeant, 6th (Service) Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment (formerly of the Essex Regiment)
He is buried at Roisel Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France (grave: II. D. 2). The cemetery was developed in October and November, 1918, by the 41st, 48th, 53rd and 58th Casualty Clearing Stations, and was completed after the Armistice by the concentration of British and German graves from the country North, East and South of Roisel.
On 8th November 1918 the Essex County Chronicle reported:
“Mrs. Warner, of 6 Embankment Terrace, Chelmsford, received news by telegram on Tuesday of the death in a casualty clearing station in France of her husband, Sgt. Hubert A Warner, Northants Regt. The deceased joined the Essex Regt. some years ago, and was transferred to the Northamptons, in which he rendered excellent service and gained promotion.
He was home some time ago suffering from trench fever, but, getting better, he returned to action, and on Oct. 25 he was wounded by shrapnel in the buttock and right leg to which wounds he succumbed. He was well known for a kind and cheery nature,
For eleven years before going to the war he was in the employ of Mr. H. Chapman, silversmith, Chelmsford. He was 33 years of age, and leaves a widow and a little boy aged six years. He was son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warner, of Sandford Road.”
A week later the Essex Weekly News carried a report on Hubert’s death:
“Died from wounds. Sgt. Hubert A. Warner, Northants Regt., whose widow and six-year-old son reside at 6, Embankment-ter., Chelmsford, has died at a casualty clearing station. He joined the Essex Regt., but was transferred to the Northamptons, winning promotion.
He was wounded on Oct. 25 by shrapnel in the right leg and buttock. Deceased, who was 33 years of age, was in the service of Mr. H. Chapman, jeweller, etc., Chelmsford,before the war, and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Warner, Sandford-rd.”
Hubert is commemorated on the Civic Centre Memorial, Chelmsford, on the Springfield Parish Memorial at All Saints’ Church, and by the Chelmsford Parish Great War Memorial in Chelmsford Cathedral. He was entitled to the Victory and British War medals.
The 1918 register of electors listed Hubert’s parents at 11 Sandford Road, Springfield (today’s number 49). A 1929-30 street directory listed his widow at 47 Bishop’s Road, Chelmsford.
Hubert’s father died in 1926, aged 79. His mother died five years later, aged 85.
Hubert’s son, also Hubert, died in 1991 aged 78.

Hubert was the son of Edward Warner and Emma Warner (nee Field) and was born in Sandon in 1885. He was baptised at Sandon on 31st May 1885. At the time his father was labourer living in the village. Hubert’s father had been born in 1847; his mother in 1846, both at Sandon.
The couple had married on Christmas Day 1872 at St. Andrew’s Church in Sandon, when Hubert’s father was aged 25, a labourer of Sandon, and the son of Edward Warner, also a labourer. Hubert’s mother was aged 26, a domestic servant of Sandon, and the daughter of James Field, a labourer. By 1881 they were living at Sandon Green in Sandon.
Hubert’s siblings five siblings were Maud Clara Warner (1873-1927), Reuben James Warner (1875-1944), Edgar John Warner (1878-1957), Eva Rebecca Warner (1880-1962) and William Warner (born c1883-1946). All were Sandon-born.
The 1891 census found six year-old Hubert living with his parents and five elder siblings at 9 Sandon Green. His father and brother Reuben were agricultural labourers, his brother Edgar a post boy, and sister Maud was a domestic general servant.
A decade later the next census found 16 year-old Hubert, employed as a postman and living at 3 Charlton Villas, Gaol Lane, Springfield (today 51 Sandford Road). He was accompanied by his parents, two siblings, a cousin and a visitor. Hubert’s father was a shepherd labourer on a farm, his brother Edgar was a carman, brother William was a porter.
Hubert married Annie Robson in London in 1909. Two years later the census listed the couple living at 1B Marlborough Road in Chelmsford. Hubert was a jeweller’s porter. Meanwhile Hubert’s parents were living at still living at their 1901 home, then known as 11 Sandford Road in Springfield. Hubert and Annie had a son Hubert Reginald ‘Reggie‘ Warner born on 18th November 1912.
Hubert subsequently lived at 6 Embankment Terrace, a property, now demolished, that stood off the northern side of Victoria.
He enlisted at Chelmsford and saw service as 4334 in the Essex Regiment. He subsequently served as Serjeant 204797 in the 6th (Service) Battalion of the Northamptonshire Regiment, part of the 18th (Eastern) Division.
On 24th October 1918 his battalion was involved in heavy hand-to-hand fighting in orchards between Bousies and Robersart, east of Cambrai, France. Two days later Hubert died of wounds. He was aged 33.